Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Hello, or as the locals say, "Namaste!" We've arrived in Nepal. We arrived yesterday after we travelled through the night via India. Steve and I didn't get any sleep and so after some food we slept for 14 hours!

We flew into the capital city, Kathmandu. It was an incredible view as we approached - I peered out of the airplane window and saw a sea of thick swirling white clouds, but as I looked closer I saw the peaks of the highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas. It was a breathtaking sight.

We then descended through the foothills to Kathmandu. I was surprised at how large the city is. It is a big beautiful, sprawling mess of alleyways and temples surrounded by the mountains on all sides.

We spent today walking through the bustling streets, avoiding mopeds and visiting various Hindu and Buddhist shrines.

 The highlight of the day was visiting Durbar Square, a huge array of medieval temples and the old home of the Nepalese Royal family. The architecture was truly magnificent and only beaten by the view of the city from the top of the palace.

We even met a living goddess... Now that doesn't happen every Tuesday!


  1. That's amazing Mr Kent!

  2. Oh! I am very envious of all that you have seen. Such lovely weather which is more than can be said of here! I gather Westward Ho! has taken quite a battering but have nor seen it yet! Continue to enjoy yourselves and be amazed! Gill Marlow

  3. Hello Mr Kent, We are very jealous of all the exciting things you have been up to. How is Alan? We would like to know how hot it is in Nepal? Some of the boys also want to tell you that they are pleased Tottenham lost the other day!
    What has been your favourite food so far?
    We are missing you lots and look forward to reading more of your posts.

    lots of love,
    Class 3

  4. Namaste Class 3!

    It's so good to hear from you all. I hope you are all okay and not too wet after the storms you've had back in North Devon. It's looked pretty scary in the photos I've seen.

    Alan is okay, thank you! Today we visited some more amazing temples and Alan, Steve enjoyed our favourite food, which is a local dish called 'Momos' - it's like a mini pasty filled with meat or vegetables. They are delicious!

    Surprisingly, Kathmandu is quite warm during the day - it reaches 18C and feels hot in the sun. However, when the sun goes down it gets really cold - down to freezing. We wrap up warm in our sleep bags!

    Boys, unfortunately my cousin is an Arsenal fan so I know very well how Spurs got on the other night! Thanks for reminding me!

    Right, I'd better get some sleep as we are leaving very early tomorrow to get a bus to a town called Pokhara! Say hello to everyone for me!

    You know, it's strange but I actually miss you lot. Only a bit though ;)

    Love from,
    Mr Kent (& Alan)


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