Me again! I hope you had a fantastic Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate!
It's been a while, sorry about that. Mr Kent stuck me in his rucksack and that got lost for a bit (he'll tell you more about that another time). But now I've found my way out from under his smelly socks and I thought I'd tell you a little bit about my favourite places in Southeast Asia (without the boring bits Mr Kent waffles on about!).
Funniest moments (there were too many to chose from, but here are three!):
3) Watching Mr Kent get soaked on the boat journey back to Cambodia.
2) Nick, Steve and Mr Kent all losing their swimming shorts and having to buy dodgy shorts which all broke immediately! Hard to swim with holes in your shorts!
1) Steve accidentally getting a mouthful of petrol - NEVER EVER try and siphon petrol, children. It could have been lots worse - as it was Steve just tasted petrol for about a week after!
Best food experiences (so much good food and some strange stuff too!):
3) Mr Kent, Steve and Nick all loved frog's legs! They were very tasty! I thought the French were the only ones who ate them!
2) Southeast Asia had lots of funny foods on offer, despite Mr Sherwin trying to persuade him to, Mr Kent avoided eating scorpions, snakes or dogs. Mr Kent thinks they're too nice to eat - the dogs, not the scorpions and snakes!
1) In Vietnam, they all tried something a little weird - silkworms! Big squishy and gross looking - but they actually tasted okay apparently! Silky!
Best views (check out Mr Kent's blog for some photos of the incredible things we saw!):
3) The crazy streets of Ho Chi Minh City were fantastic fun. Lots of people and great food - not to mention the millions of mopeds!
2) Sailing down the Mekong river was an incredible thing to do. When adults get old and boring like Mr Kent, they love looking at places like this!
1) The beautiful river and mountains at Vang Vieng in Laos. It was absolutely stunning there, even though Steve managed to chop a bit of his foot off!
Memorable experiences:
3) Finding a paradise beach on an island near Cambodia! (A bit like Westward Ho! Just a bit warmer!) it was worth the long trek!
2) Floating down the river in an inflatable tube in Laos.
1) Meeting so many wonderful people. Even though there have been lots of horrible things happen here in the past, the people were so friendly and welcoming - even to Mr Kent - and he's pretty strange!
Anyway, enough about Mr Kent! I hope you are all doing okay? Mr Kent quite often goes on about you lot to people he meets - I guess he might miss you a bit, although he'd never say that!
He says that Year 6 and Year 2 might have their SATS soon and that he wishes them lots of luck - not that they'll need it, because they're all brilliant and have super-amazing teachers! Just don't panic and do your best.
If you're going to Georgeham, have a brilliant week. Say hello to all the leaders for Mr Kent, he's very sad he's not going this year - it's one of his favourite places in the world- but at least he won't embarrass himself surfing or canoeing!
Keep working hard! I'll try and make sure Mr Kent doesn't lose me again so I can write another blog soon.
Lots of love,
PS - Here are some photos of me abroad. (Clockwise from top left)- me at the massive temple of Angkor Wat - me at the 'Temple of Doom' where Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones wre filmed - Angkor Wat at sunrise - our very cool island bungalows at Vang Vieng - sunset on the Mekong river!