Welcome to my blog.
My extremely cool Advent Calendar! |
It's nearly Christmas! I know that because every morning I wake up and open a new window on my Pepper Pig Advent Calendar (it was a snow flake today, in case you're interested!).
I'm always excited about Christmas - I love singing along to Cliff Richard songs, spending time with family and friends and eating too many mince pies - but this year I'm also excited about what is going to happen just after the big day. On the 29th of December I am heading off to start an exciting journey around the world!
Over the next seven months I will be travelling thousands of miles and experiencing lots of exciting new things. However, I wanted to stay in touch with you lot at St Helen's. This blog is going to be a place that I can use to keep you up to date with my latest adventures, post photographs and keep in contact with you all. It will also be a place that you can ask me any questions you might have. Not things like, "How do you stay so handsome, Mr Kent?" or, "Why are your jokes always so terrible?" But you might want to ask something about the country I am visiting or the photographs I have posted on here. I can't promise to answer all of your enquiries, but I'll definitely do my best!
I hope that it will be an interesting blog for you to read and help you to learn about the different countries I visit along my way. I'll try not to post too many scary pictures of me like the one below!
I'll post again soon, but for now I just wanted to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! I pray that you all have a brilliant holiday with your family and friends. Make sure you eat all your brussel sprouts and don't forget to leave out something for Father Christmas and Rudolph!
Father Christmas and his 'happy' helpers! |